Jan 4, 2016
(NaturalNews) Reports that federal officials are headed to Oregon to try to "resolve" the situation where armed citizens now occupy a federal wildlife refuge building should raise warning flags for everyone. If the arrogant, tone deaf federal government attempts an aggressive assault on the compound that results in bloodshed, it might very easily spark a nationwide armed revolt against government tyranny in response.
On my podcast site HealthRangerReport.com, I've just posted a tactical analysis of the situation in Oregon, pointing out that if the federal government is rational, it is in the government's own interests to see this resolved without bloodshed. After all, the nation is already on the verge of revolt as we've now seen with the outright rejection of both Democratic and Republican political establishments and the rise of presidential populist Donald Trump.
Tensions are running high across the board. More people than ever are now at the end of their ropes on issues like personal bankruptcy, loss of health care coverage under the Obamacare scam, loss of wages due to job cuts and the fear that comes from living with ISIS terrorists already inside U.S. borders thanks to an incompetent, race-baiting president who apparently seeks the deliberate destruction of America.
Add onto this the recent announcement that Obama and the cognitively insane leftists of the mainstream media literally wish to destroy the First and Second Amendments of the Bill of Rights, thereby enslaving all Americans under a regime of total thought control and complete disarmament.
For an increasing number of America, they are at their wit's end with little much else to lose. These are precisely the conditions under which an emotionally charged spark can catalyze an armed revolution against a government that many people see as an unrelenting monster of tyranny and injustice.
Unless federal agents are incredibly stupid, they recognize the existence of what I've just described, and knowing that the Oregon occupiers have already said they will not fire unless they are first fired upon, the FBI and other feds have a solid opportunity here to talk this thing through and verbally negotiate with the occupiers. They can diffuse the situation by refraining from taking an aggressive stance on their own. One simple strategy might involve waiting them out and doing nothing. It's cold in Burns, Oregon, after all, and camping out in cold, powerless buildings for 30 days with no food and water might be enough to change a few minds and send people home.
But if the feds are stupid or arrogant, they are likely to try to bully their way through the problem by engaging in aggressive, military-style posturing that inflames the situation and may incite violence on both sides. And in preparation for opening fire on the occupiers, the feds are already working in conspiracy with the lying leftist media to begin shaping a false narrative built on utterly fabricated reports like the false claim that the occupiers "burned down the museum." (They didn't. It's right there, fully intact.)
The one difference between this standoff and, let's say, David Koresh and Waco, TX, is the fact that the independent media is on site, broadcasting and recording events as they unfold. This means the mainstream media no longer has a monopoly on the narrative, and in fact the independent media is already way ahead of this story than the mainstream media in the first place.
Listen to ongoing updates and reports on this situation at TalkNetwork.com