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Feb 27, 2017

So-called "fact checkers" turn out to be completely wrong about most of their "facts." They're just another front for the FAKE NEWS media such as CNN and WashPo.

Stay informed at and 

Feb 27, 2017

When you or a loved one is diagnosed with cancer one day, you'll wish Google hadn't censored Natural News.

Stay informed at and http://Natural.News 

Feb 24, 2017

The Health Ranger broadcasts an emergency message to Anonymous and the Hactivist community, and speaks for truth and freedom for all of humanity.

Learn why Google censored the entire website to silence the Health Ranger. 

Feb 24, 2017

In this podcast, Mike Adams reveals more details about his epic "David vs. Goliath" battle against Google, a monopolist, Orwellian, evil organization that's now deliberately suppressing human knowledge.

Stay informed at