May 2, 2016
* Pension programs across America are under-funded by $3.4trillion.
* The strategy for pension programs is to cook the books andthen, when they can no longer cover up the financial facts, claimto be "too big to fail" and demand a bailout.
* Pensions all across America are going into default. How manypension plans can the federal government bail out?
* Most of these pensions provide monthly retirement incomes toformer government workers.
* The government repeatedly LIES to you about all economicnumbers and debt numbers.
* Government is in the business of making promises they can'tkeep! This includes pension promises.
* If you are relying on a government pension for yourretirement, you may need to rethink how reliable that is.
* Consider ways to increase your income or lower your cost ofliving.
* How much is your pension worth if the dollar collapses?
* You need some REAL assets as a backup.
* What's real? Gold, silver, land, ammo...
* Can you cash out your pension and invest it in somethingthat's REAL?
* It is a mathematical fact that most people who are owedpension money will never receive it.
* Only a few will be able to ever collect what they are owed: Anunderfunded pension is a Ponzi scheme.
* All Ponzi schemes collapse. It is a mathematicalcertainty.
* Count on the system failing now, and you may avoid beingvictimized by it.
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