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Jul 25, 2016

Before you can understand Black Lives Matter and the outbursts of violence happening across America today, you have to recognize the other "vectors of violence" being systematically committed against black Americans.

In this powerful video, the Health Ranger explains some of the sources of systemic government violence...

Jul 6, 2016

James Comey and the FBI just LIED to all Americans about Hillary Clinton's email scandal. In a press conference, Comey falsely claimed that because Hillary did not have "intent" to leak state secrets via her unsecured, off-the-books email server, she was not guilty of any crime.

Yet the national security laws demand the...

Jul 5, 2016

The Health Ranger has issued a warning for California citizens to watch out for an approaching catastrophe or event. Based on strong intuition, the Health Ranger shares this podcast for those living in California: Get out and leave while you can...